
xmind-sdk-javascript manual & documentation


the checked ones are APIs that are supported by the current version.

the unchecked ones are under develpment.


npm install xmind


var xmind = require('xmind');

// `xmind` here is an object:
// {
//     open: Workbook.open,
//     save: Workbook.save,
//     CONST: CONST,
//     utils: utils,
//     DomMixin: DomMixin,
//     Workbook: Workbook,
//     Sheet: Sheet,
//     Topic: Topic,
//     Relationship: Relationship,
//     Legend: Legend
// }

this method returns an Workbook instance, which can be considered as an xmind document.

var workbook = xmind.open(filename);

save workbook(xmind document) to a file.


all kinds of CONSTs, attribute names, tag names, other values, etc.


all kinds of helper functions



all the constructors below is inherited from DomMixin. it provides some helper functions on Dom.

it requires all the sub-constructors instances to have a doc attribute. and the doc attribute must be an instance of xmldom DocumentElement or Element.

constructor properties

instance properties

instance can be:


creating an instance

var Workbook = xmind.Workbook;
var workbook = new xmind.Workbook({
     * options:
     *   // when creating a new one {
     *      - firstSheetName
     *      - rootTopicName
     *   // }
     *   // when loading from an existing one {
     *      - doc
     *      - stylesDoc
     *      - attachments
     *   // }

constructor properties

instance properties

options: {
    id: sheetId,
    title: sheetName,
    rootTopicId: rootTopicId,
    rootTopicName: rootTopicName,
    theme: theme,


creating an instance

var Sheet = xmind.Sheet;
var sheet = new Sheet({
     * options:
     *   - workbook(required)
     *   // when creating a new one {
     *      - title
     *      - rootTopicName
     *      - theme
     *   // }
     *   // when loading from an existing one {
     *      - doc
     *   // }

constructor properties

instance properties

options: {
    id: id,
    sourceId: sourceId,
    targetId: targetId,
    title: title


creating an instance

var Topic = xmind.Topic;
var topic = new Topic({
     * options:
     *   - sheet(required)
     *   - parent
     *   - type
     *   // when creating a new one {
     *      - title
     *      - structure
     *   // }
     *   // when loading from an existing one {
     *      - doc
     *   // }

constructor properties

instance properties


creating an instance

var Relationship = xmind.Relationship;
var relationship = new Relationship({
     * options:
     *   - sheet(required)
     *   // when creating a new one {
     *   // }
     *   // when loading from an existing one {
     *      - doc
     *   // }

constructor properties

instance properties


creating an instance

var Legend = xmind.Legend;
var legend = new Legend({
     * options:
     *   - sheet(required)
     *   // when creating a new one {
     *      - title
     *   // }
     *   // when loading from an existing one {
     *      - doc
     *   // }

constructor properties

instance properties

